Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Sizes (2023)

Struggling with social media image sizes? 

You’re not alone. 

One of the biggest headaches in the digital world is mastering the optimal image sizes for different platforms. 

Luckily, with this guide, you can uncover specific numbers, actionable techniques, and all the nitty-gritty details to perfectly size your visuals. 

Say goodbye to pixelated, stretched, or oddly cropped pictures. Ready to transform your online presence and engage your audience like never before?

Let’s dig in!

The Importance of Social Media Image Sizes

Think image sizes on social media are trivial? Think again. These details can elevate your posts from good to great.



  1. First impressions matter on social media. An eye-catching, well-cropped image can stop a scroll in its tracks. A blurry, misshapen one? Not so much
  2. Right-sized images amp up engagement. Poorly sized images just blend into the background.
  3. Image sizes contribute to brand consistency. A pixelated profile picture or stretched header can knock your brand’s image. But clear, well-sized images indicate professionalism.
  4. Correct image sizes can increase your website traffic. A well-sized, compelling image accompanying a headline and link can entice users to click through.

Bottom line? Don’t underestimate the power of social media image sizes. 

Get them wrong, and you could sink your social media. Get them right, and your social media strategy can be a winner.

Understanding Social Media Image & Display Sizes

Picture showing a variety of image sizes

Before we dive into specifics, let’s clear up a couple of basic concepts. 

You might be wondering, “What’s the difference between image and display sizes?” 

The image size is the actual size of the image file you’re working with, measured in pixels. 

On the other hand, the display size is how the image appears on the screen when uploaded on a platform.

“What is the best file size for social media?” is another common question. While it’s tempting to go for the highest resolution, there’s a trade-off. 

Heavier files may look better, but they take longer to load. A slower page load time could cost you audience engagement. 

In general, a file size around 1-2MB is a safe bet for most platforms.

Social Media Image Sizes by Network

Alright, ready for the nitty-gritty?

Let’s deep dive into the image sizes by social media platform

Facebook Image Sizes

Facebook logo

Facebook is one of the oldest and most popular social media networks, so make sure you get the image sizes right! Here are the numbers…

Profile Picture 

When it comes to your Facebook profile picture, you’re aiming for an image that’s 180 x 180 pixels. Small, yes, but make sure it’s crisp, clear and unforgettable.

Cover Photo

Next up is your cover photo. This one’s a bit larger and calls for 820 x 312 pixels. This is where you can express your brand’s personality. Your cover photo is where you set the tone.

Shared Image

When you’re sharing images on Facebook, a 1200 x 630 pixel size hits the sweet spot. It’s large enough to be engaging but not so large that it slows down loading times. 

Shared Link

Sharing a link? Facebook likes to grab a 1200 x 628 pixel image to go with it. After all, people are more likely to click on a link if there’s an interesting image attached.

Event Cover Photo

Hosting an event? Your event cover photo needs to be a captivating 1920 x 1080 pixels. That’s a lot of room for creativity. Make the most of it!

Instagram Image Sizes

instagram logo

Images reign supreme at Instagram, so make sure you have the image sizes right for each type of post…

Profile Picture

Just like Facebook, your Instagram profile picture should be 180 x 180 pixels. Choose an image that’s not just clear but also screams ‘you’.

Post (Square)

For your Instagram posts, the ideal size for a square image is 1080 x 1080 pixels. It’s the classic Instagram look, perfect for when you want your image to take center stage.

Post (Landscape)

If you’re looking to go wider, Instagram’s landscape format gives you 1080 x 566 pixels of room to play with. It’s perfect for panoramic shots or group photos. 

Post (Portrait)

Want to go vertical? Instagram’s portrait format at 1080 x 1350 pixels gives you a taller canvas. It’s ideal for portraits, tall structures, and the like.

Instagram Stories

For Instagram Stories, you’re looking at 1080 x 1920 pixels. This format is perfect for showcasing behind-the-scenes snippets, daily updates, or quick messages. 

Twitter Image Sizes

twitter logo

Although Twitter is known for its bite-sized text content, images are important on this platform as well…

Profile Picture

For your Twitter profile picture, stick to a size of 400 x 400 pixels. Remember, this little square is your Twitter identity, so pick a photo that’ll help you stand out in the sea of tweets.

Header Photo

Your header photo gives you a bit more room to express yourself with a generous 1500 x 500 pixels. This is your chance to make a statement, tell a story, or set the tone for your Twitterverse.

Twitter Card Image

If you’re getting technical and using Twitter Cards, aim for an image size of 1200 x 628 pixels. A great Twitter Card image can drive traffic, boost engagement, and amplify your message.

Twitter Spaces Image

For Twitter Spaces, the key is to aim for an image size of 1080 x 1080 pixels. It’s your chance to visually complement the conversation and draw more participants in.

LinkedIn Image Sizes

linkedin logo

Keeping your LinkedIn visuals professional and crisp is essential for your business presence. Here’s how you can optimize your images on LinkedIn…

User Profile Image

For a user profile picture, 400 x 400 pixels is the recommended size, ensuring your professional mug looks stunning and clear. The image file size must not exceed 8MB. 

While LinkedIn does support larger profile photos, maintaining this size ensures your image loads quickly and appears sharp.

Cover Image

The cover image or background photo for a LinkedIn user profile should ideally be 1584 x 396 pixels.

The aspect ratio is 4:1, and like profile images, the file size must not exceed 8MB. Given the horizontal nature of this space, choose an image that represents you or your personal brand in the broader context.

Shared Image or Link

When you share an image or a link, the recommended size is 1200 x 627 pixels. This size ensures your visuals appear clear and captivating in your connections’ feeds, enhancing engagement. 

Company Page Image Sizes

For a Company Logo, use an image that is 300 x 300 pixels. 

The Square Logo, which appears on your followers’ LinkedIn feeds, should be 60×60 pixels. 

The Banner Image or Hero Image that sits at the top of your LinkedIn Company Page should be 1128 x 191 pixels. 

All images should have an aspect ratio of 1:1, and file size should not exceed 8MB. 

YouTube Image Sizes

youtube logo

Now, let’s hop onto YouTube. Here’s how you can make your channel stand out visually…

Channel Profile Image

Your YouTube channel profile picture should ideally be 800 x 800 pixels. This image appears circular on YouTube, so ensure that important visual elements are centrally located. 

This image represents you across Google’s services like Search and Gmail, besides YouTube, so choose wisely.

Channel Cover Photo

The cover photo or banner of your YouTube channel should be 2560 x 1440 pixels. 

But here’s the catch — while this is the total size, the “safe area” where text and logos are ensured not to be cut off, is 1546 x 423 pixels centered. 

The aspect ratio varies across devices, so it’s crucial to test how your banner looks on different devices.

Video Uploads

For video uploads, the recommended size for YouTube is 1280 x 720 pixels (16:9 aspect ratio). 

For High Definition (HD), it should be at least 1280 x 720 pixels to ensure your videos appear clear and sharp.

Pinterest Image Sizes

pinterest logo

Pinterest is the land of inspiration and creativity. And if your content resonates, it can lead to a veritable gold rush of shares or “repins.”

So let’s talk dimensions to ensure your images are just right…

Profile Picture

Your Pinterest profile picture should ideally be 165 x 165 pixels. It might seem small, but make it count!

Pin Preview

A pin preview, the glimpse of your content on someone’s feed, should be 238 pixels in width, but its length can be tailored as you please.

This flexibility gives you an opportunity to create an intrigue-laden snippet that leaves them wanting more.

Standard Pin

When it comes to standard pins, Pinterest offers some legroom with a recommended 2:3 aspect ratio — 1000 x 1500 pixels is a safe bet.

Board Cover

The board cover, your Pinterest album cover if you will, comes in at 600 x 600 pixels. This thumbnail is like your personal storefront window on Pinterest, so make it enticing!

TikTok Image Sizes

tiktok logo

With TikTok, the emphasis is on quick, fun, and catchy content that sticks. So, to hit it big on TikTok, it’s crucial to get your image sizes just right…

Profile Picture

TikTok profile pictures should be 200 x 200 pixels. It’s the smallest of the bunch, but let’s not underestimate its power.

Video Thumbnails

Next up are your video thumbnails. TikTok uses a 1:1 ratio here. That means they’re perfect squares, and a recommended size would be 640 x 640 pixels. Think of these as the tantalizing trailer to your blockbuster video. 

In-Feed Video

Vertical videos work best on TikTok, with an ideal dimension of 1080 x 1920 pixels. The aspect ratio? 9:16. Capture attention, generate laughs, spark emotions – go wild!

Ad Image

TikTok ad images come in at 1200 x 628 pixels with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1. Remember, this is your moment to grab users by the eyeballs and pique their interest!

Wrapping Up Social Media Image Sizes 

Whew! You’re now armed with the insider scoop to nailing the sizes for your visuals on any platform. 

You might be thinking, “Is it worth all this effort just for some pictures?”

But remember, it’s these ‘some pictures’ that could be the game-changer in your social media strategy. 

These nifty sizes aren’t just numbers but your secret to a stunning, professional online presence.

So, go on, grab those images and transform them into your social media superpowers!

The post The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Image Sizes (2023) appeared first on Smart Blogger.

from Smart Blogger

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