Friday, September 1, 2023

Drip Campaign: Everything You Need to Know + Examples (2023)

Are you wondering how to enhance your email marketing efforts? The answer could be as simple as launching a well-strategized drip campaign. 

This smart, automated process can help you nurture leads, boost conversions, and foster enduring relationships with your customers. 

Intriguing, right? 

This comprehensive guide will offer you a deep dive into what drip email campaigns are, why they’re beneficial, and how you can set one up to effectively grow your business. 

We’ll also share some inspiring examples. 

So, are you ready to revolutionize your marketing? 

Let’s dive right in!

What is a Drip Campaign?

Imagine a watering system for your garden that sends out droplets of water at specific intervals. 

A drip email campaign works similarly, but instead of water droplets, it involves a series of pre-written emails. 

These drip emails are scheduled and sent out to your email list depending on the user’s interaction with your brand or their place in the sales funnel

It’s an efficient way of maintaining a relevant conversation with your audience without manually sending each email. 

Why Run a Drip Marketing Campaign?

Email drip campaigns offer unique advantages that can significantly boost your marketing efforts. 

Let’s explore the benefits and how they tie into different drip marketing campaign goals…

Lead Nurturing

Mastering the art of lead nurturing is akin to tending a garden, where potential clients are the seeds that need consistent care and attention to bloom.

Email drip campaigns are your nurturing tool. 

Beyond merely sending promotional materials, they allow you to craft a narrative that unfolds gradually, educating the prospect about your brand, values, and offerings. 

Think of it as a multi-episode podcast or a series of blog posts that build upon each other, effectively steering your leads towards conversion.

Sales Scaling 

Scaling sales is a primary objective of every business, and drip email campaigns can accelerate this process. 

The key is segmentation and personalization. 

With the right planning, you can build a chain of emails for different customer segments — new prospects, loyal customers, or lost leads, with content tailored to their unique needs and journey stage. 

This helps establish a one-to-one conversation at scale, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversions without losing the essence of personalized communication.

Customer Retention

In the realm of marketing, retaining an existing customer is often as important as acquiring new ones. 

Drip campaigns make this easier by constantly providing value, from celebrating milestones to rewarding loyalty with exclusive deals or content.

This not only boosts customer loyalty but also enhances the chances of upselling and cross-selling.

Increased Engagement

With the surge of digital platforms, customer engagement has become a vital metric for success. 

Drip campaigns facilitate this by delivering timely, relevant content right to your subscribers’ inboxes. 

Whether it’s a personalized product recommendation, an insightful blog post, or an exclusive webinar, every email is a gentle reminder of your value, thereby fostering continued interaction with your brand.

Automate Communication

One of the greatest benefits of drip campaigns is marketing automation. 

By scheduling a sequence of emails based on predetermined triggers, you ensure a steady stream of communication with your audience. 

This saves you from the exhausting task of manually sending each email and frees up your time for other strategic endeavors. 

Content Personalization

We all love a bit of personal attention, don’t we? 

With drip campaigns, you can tailor content to match the interests and behaviors of your audience.

It makes your audience feel seen, understood, and valued. This, in turn, can significantly amplify your conversion rates.

Timely Consumer Education

The more informed your customers are about your product or service, the more confident they’ll be in making a purchase decision. 

Drip campaigns serve as a powerful tool in this educational process. 

They allow you to break down complex information into digestible chunks, delivered at a pace and time that your customers find convenient. 

Be it product tutorials, how-to guides, or case studies, timely educational content helps establish your brand as a trusted advisor.

Measure Analytics

Metrics matter and drip campaigns provide plenty. 

From open rates and click-through rates to bounce rates and conversions, these insights can reveal patterns to help you understand what works. 

With these data points, you can continuously tweak your campaign for improved results. 

How to Set Up a Drip Campaign in 8 Super Simple Steps

email format tools

Ready to drip your way to success? Here are our best practices for setting up your drip email campaign…

Step 1: Define Your Goals

It’s essential to set clear objectives before launching your drip campaign. 

Are you looking to nurture leads, re-engage inactive subscribers, or promote a new product? 

Or perhaps, you want to onboard new customers or boost your customer retention rate? 

Each goal requires a different approach and content strategy. 

Let’s say your goal is to nurture leads… 

You might want to share valuable insights about your industry or details about your product/service that can help them solve their problems.

Step 2: Identify Target Audience

You can’t create an effective drip campaign without understanding who you’re talking to. 

So, consider segregating your email list into different groups based on their behavior, interests, or stage in the buying journey. 

It helps you send the right message to the right people at the right time. 

For instance, a potential customer who has just made their first purchase might benefit from an email marketing campaign that offers product usage tips.

Step 3: Craft Your Content

Exploring the world of content creation

With your audience and goals in mind, now it’s time to create content that aligns with your objectives and caters to the interests of your target audience

Remember, the key to a successful email is a mix of relevant content, an engaging tone, and clear calls to action

For example, if your target audience consists of undecided subscribers, include useful guides, existing customer testimonials, or special offers to nudge them toward buying.

Step 4: Plan Your Campaign

Every successful drip campaign has a well-thought-out plan. 

This includes deciding how many emails to send, when to send them, and what triggers each email. 

Additionally, identifying key metrics for evaluating success is crucial. 

Let’s consider your goal is to increase product trials…

Your email sequence might start with an introductory email about the trial. 

Followed by a series of how-to-use emails, and finally, an email nudging the user to upgrade to the full version.

Step 5: Personalize Your Emails

In today’s digital world, personalization is key to stand out in crowded inboxes. 

Yet, don’t just stop at using your prospect’s first name. 

Personalize the content based on their interests, browsing behavior, and past interactions. This can make the email feel more unique and special.

If a subscriber has shown interest in a particular product category on your website, your emails could include content and offers related to that category.

Step 6: Automate Your Drip Sequences

With a solid email service provider, you can set your emails to be sent out automatically based on specified triggers. 

This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in your communication. 

However, make sure to test different send times to identify when your subscribers are most likely to open and engage with your emails.

Step 7: Evaluate & Optimize

Constant monitoring and refining is the secret to a high-performing email drip campaign. 

Regularly review your campaign’s performance and make necessary adjustments based on the results. 

Maybe an email subject line isn’t resonating, or a particular email isn’t getting the click-through rates you expected. 

Tweak and test different elements to see what works best for your audience.

Step 8: Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Tracking KPIs like open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and bounce rate are crucial to measure the success of your campaign. 

Not only do these metrics help you understand what’s working, but they also give you valuable insights into areas that need improvement. 

For instance, a low open rate might suggest your subject lines aren’t compelling, while a low conversion rate could mean your content isn’t convincing enough to spur action.

The Main Types of Drip Campaigns to Consider

Drip campaigns come in different flavors, each serving a specific purpose. Let’s look at a few types…

Post Purchase

Post-purchase drip campaigns aim to foster a relationship with your customers beyond the point of sale. 

They’re an opportunity to provide useful information, express gratitude, and encourage future engagement. 

Just like this first-year Amazon seller… 

Amazon drip campaign example

After the purchase, they sent a short series of emails suggesting related products and asking for product reviews. 

The benefit here is two-fold: it provides value to your customers and encourages repeat purchases and brand loyalty.


Re-engagement campaigns are a smart way to reconnect with subscribers who’ve shown waning interest in your brand. 

For instance, Moonpig offers a free card if you haven’t opened an email in the past three months.

moonpig drip campaign example

The enticing proposition was perfectly timed as a family member’s birthday was due.

So, consider what you could offer your dormant subscribers to reinvigorate your relationship.

Product Information

Product information campaigns are designed to educate subscribers about your products or services, making them more likely to purchase. 

Consider Smart Blogger’s email drip campaign for becoming a successful author, from our very own, Jon Morrow…

Jon Morrow drip campaign example

The email series aims to educate, overcome pain points, and ultimately guide you toward a purchase.

So, ask yourself what you can do to educate your audience.

For instance, if you’ve just launched a new email marketing software tool, a drip campaign could walk a potential customer through its features, uses, and benefits. 

Pairing this with testimonials or case studies can further increase its credibility, helping prospects make well-informed purchase decisions.

Welcome Email

Welcome drip campaigns set the tone for your brand, welcoming new subscribers, and fostering relationships. 

A typical series might start with a thank you welcome email, followed by a brand story, an introduction to product offerings, and finally a special offer or promo code. 

Just like the first part of this email series from Train Heroic

Train Heroic drip campaign example

Regardless of which path you take, the idea is to provide value and insight into your brand, building trust, and guiding them to make their first purchase.

Promotional Limited Time Offers

Promotional limited-time offer campaigns can create a sense of urgency, prompting subscribers to act quickly. 

For example, online shopping giant, Asos uses flash sales, followed by email reminders a few hours before the end. 

asos drip campaign example

The final email in the series uses a countdown timer, adding an extra push for conversions. 

The immediate benefit here is a potential spike in sales, but it also keeps your subscribers engaged and looking forward to your emails.

Email Reminder

Email reminder campaigns are great for keeping subscribers informed and engaged with your brand. 

They can be used to remind subscribers about upcoming events, renewals, restocks, or any other relevant dates. 

For instance, LastPass reminds subscribers that their free premium trial is ending… 

LastPass drip campaign example

A friendly nudge never hurt anyone. It keeps subscribers engaged and can drive user activity on your platform.


An unsubscribe drip campaign, while it might seem counterintuitive, can leave a lasting positive impression on your subscribers, even as they exit. 

For instance, MerchantWords opts for the “Was this a mistake?” route…

merchant words drip campaign example

Yet, you could send an email asking for feedback or offer the option to receive fewer emails instead of completely unsubscribing. 

While the primary aim is to retain the subscriber, even if they do leave, they’ll remember your brand as one that values its customers and respects their choices.

Fuel Your Business Growth with a Drip Campaign

We understand, stepping into a new marketing technique can seem intimidating. 

Questions like, “Will this technique yield results?” or “Can I execute this effectively?” might be racing through your mind. 

Rest assured, you’re not alone, and yes, you’ve got this! 

Equipped with this detailed guide, and best practices, you’re already one step closer to becoming a drip campaign pro. 

So, buckle up, refine your skills, and watch your drip campaigns propel your business growth to unimaginable heights!

The post Drip Campaign: Everything You Need to Know + Examples (2023) appeared first on Smart Blogger.

from Smart Blogger

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